
Hedera Guild Games

SlimeWorld Guild Guide [Rank]2024-12-18


Guild Rankings can be viewed by clicking the ‘RANK’ button on the Guild main screen, which opens a popup window.
Guild rankings are determined by the points earned through various guild content. Each season, rewards such as buffs, tokens, and currency are distributed based on ranking.

1. Guild and Member Information:

View the level, ranking, number of members, and points of each guild.

Click to see detailed information about your guild.

View the rankings of other guilds and check their details by clicking on them.

2.Guild War Rankings:

 Check your guild’s points and rankings in Guild Wars.

Click the magnifying glass icon to see the rewards for Guild War rankings.

 View other guilds’ scores in Guild Wars.

3.Guild Boss Rankings:

Display the remaining time for the current Guild Boss season.

Check your guild’s score and ranking in the Guild Boss event.

 View the rewards that can currently be earned.

Navigate to the Guild Boss Waiting Room.

Check the scores earned by other guilds in the Guild Boss event.

 View rankings from the previous season.