
Hedera Guild Games

[NEW] Slime World Mini Game guide (Super Jump)2024-11-18


SlimeWorld offers two mini-games: Super Jump and Road Crossing. You can easily access the mini-games from the main screen, and by clicking on your preferred game, you'll be taken to the waiting room.

1. You can check the scores and rankings of other players.

2. You can check your highest score and ranking.

3. These are items you can use in the mini-game.

※ There are 3 items available for Super Jump:

Revive: Revives the character once if they die (Users with Mini-game Pass and Ad Removal can obtain 2 of these).
Boost: When used, the slime will not fall and will speed forward for a few seconds

Shield: Provides one shield that prevents the character from dying (Can be used together with the Revive item).

4. You can check whether you have the Mini-game Pass and Ad Removal.

5. By clicking, you can start the Super Jump game.

The Super Jump mini-game is designed to be simple and enjoyable for users. The goal is to collect as many points as possible by stepping on sparkling platforms without the slime falling off, and building combos along the way. Players can use three different buff items to help score even more points.

If all items have been used and the character dies, you can watch an ad to earn a revive ticket and continue the game.

After the game ends, the rewards will be based on the distance and score, allowing you to earn Orihalcum.