
Hedera Guild Games

[NEW Guide#8] Arena Buff2024-06-17


Arena Buff

When opening a buff slot, sapphire is consumed, and the first opening is free of charge. 

※ You can open a buff slot for the second time by consuming sapphires.

The color and value of buffs can be changed by spending Orichalcum. 

※  All buffs change simultaneously, but you can use the lock function to lock the desired slot and change the buff. 

Clicking on the buff displays the total buff value currently applied to the player.

Arena buff bingo allows you to lock an open buff slot by clicking on the corresponding slot. 

Matching the buff bingo in the arena grants you bonus buffs. 

You can check the values and abilities of the buffs. 

※ As the number of locked buff slots increases, the cost of resources also increases. 

※ Bonud buffs are applied regardless of the slime’s color and provide higher value buffs than regular buffs.

※ Bonus buffs cannot be locked. 

※ If you do not match the buff bingo in the buff slot, the bonus buff will not be activated.

This is the help section for the arena buff system which is recommended to be read before using the system. 

※  The arena buff system resets when the arena season ends.

The existing system in which the buffs are initialized at the end of the arena season can be changed to consume a certain good (sapphire) and extend the arena buff to the next season.

※The Arena Buff extension ticket is not sold separately to stores, and the "Buff Extension" button is activated at the end of the Arena season, and a pop-up window such as the image on the right appears when clicked.

You can get a 10% discount on Arena Buff extension tickets through watching advertisements, and you can check the buff of users who used it in the previous season through the "View Previous Season Buffs" button.