
Hedera Guild Games

[NEW Guide#7] Slime2024-06-11



If you want to check the NFT Slimes and Slime information you own, click the “Slime” button on the main screen.

1. If you are looking for a specific NFT Slime, you can use the filtering feature at the top to search by color, combat power, level, and grade.

2. Click on an NFT Slime to view detailed information about that Slime.

3. When you click on the detailed information of a Slime, you can see various details such as the parts equipped by the NFT Slime, stats, and skills.

4. The main abilities of a Slime are HP, ATK, SPD, CRI, and DEF.

> HP (Health Points)

The health of the slime

> ATK (Attack Power)

Increases the slime's skill damage and attack power

> SPD (Speed)

Increases the slime's skill cooldown time and attack speed

> CRI (Critical Damage)

Higher CRI value increases damage when critical hits occur

> DEF (Defense)

A higher DEF value reduces incoming damage from enemy attacks