
Hedera Guild Games

[NEW Guide#5] RANK2024-06-11




You can check the ongoing season, your ranking, highest round, RP (Ranking Points), playtime, and used skins.

※ Clicking on the exclamation mark icon at the top of the player’s information allows you to view the ranking system’s help. 

Your current ranking displays the rewards you can obtain.

※ Clicking on “Reward” shows the rewards available for each ranking.

Clicking the button takes you to the Infinite Mode lobby. 

It shows the remaining duration of the current season. 

You can search by ID to check the ranking of other users.

You can check the ranking, highest round, and RP of other players.

Infinite Ranking Player Info

Clicking on the magnifying glass icon next to other players' names in the Infinite Mode Rank allows you to view detailed information about that player.

You can check the following details about the player: their best round, ranking, RP, 

You can also see: Opened mine slots.

Upgrade stats of their slimes are displayed.

 The status of boost items (ON/OFF) is indicated.

Whether staking, kickstart mode, and resurrection are active can be checked.

※ Users who have used staking and Kick Start mode are marked as checked.

Arena Mode RANK

My information is displayed.

  ※ You can check the current season, RP, NFT slime combat power, tier, and record. 

You can check the rewards available in the current ranking. 

※ Clicking on “Reward” allows you to see the rewards available based on ranking when the arena mode season ends. 

Click to move to the arena mode lobby. 

Displays the remaining duration of the current season.

Displays the ranking, tier, combat power, and RP of other users. 

  ※ Only the top 50 are listed in the ranking list.

 Clicking the magnifying glass icon allows you to view detailed information about that player. 

  ※ You can check the ranking, RP, combat power, whether there are buffs, whether there is staking, record, and information of NFT slime for that player.

Arena Mode Rank Player Info

Clicking on the magnifying glass icon next to other players' names in the Arena Mode Rank allows you to view detailed information about that player.

You can see the nickname, tier, ranking, RP, and combat power of the player.

You can check the player's record and whether they are using staking.

※ If the checkbox is unchecked, it means the player is not using staking.

You can check the player's Arena Buff system.

You can check the player's NFT Slime team.

※ Clicking on the player's "NFT Slime" allows you to view detailed information about their NFT Slime.