
Hedera Guild Games

[Guide #8] PvP Arena Mode2022-09-21


A fierce battle between Slimes, The PVP Arena!

PVP Arena Guide where you can fight and compete with various users to earn rewards.

Grab the Victory and reach a high Rank!

How to enter the PVP Arena and Menu

You can enter by clicking the [Arena] button on the main screen and one ticket will be consumed if the Arena battle begins.

※ Wallet link is required to enter the PvP Arena.

① Season: Current season, Season period, Rank, Nickname, Winning Rate, Record, and the currently earned RP (Area Point).

② Rank & Rank name is displayed within the current season.

③ Opponents List: Opponent's Nickname, Slime information, and Rank.

④ Refresh: You can change the opponents by consuming the Sapphirex3.

⑤ My Team: You can check the current NFT Team.

⑥ Ranking: You can check your rank, Top 10 places, and teams and buffs of the top rank.

⑦ Buff: You can set the Buff of the Slimes during the Arena.

Arena Rule

- Total of 5 NFT Slimes are required in ARENA.

- The battle will take a total of 90 seconds.

- The team that consumes the opponent's HP first or has more HP after the end of the time will win.

- Slimes attack automatically based on their attack speed.

- Once the skill gauge is charged, use the skill instead of the basic attack.

- Depending on the outcome of the battle, your RP will increase or decrease.

- You can get a certain amount of Orichalcum as a reward.

☆ You will receive less Orichalcum than Victory if you draw or defeat the Arena

- Surrender is possible 10 seconds after the battle begins.

☆ If you surrender, you will be defeated and you will not receive any compensation.

NFT Slime Loan

- You can loan the NFT Slime by using 100 Slime Stones if you don't own any NFT Slimes.

- Loaned Slime is available for 7 days in the Arena.

- You can Loan up to 5 Slimes, and you can discharge or extend from the [Squad] menu.

- You can Loan the Normal to Legendary NFT Slime by a certain chance but Loaned Slime can not use Skills.

※ The Loan Slime will disappear completely after 7 days or at the end of the season.

※ 100 slime stones can be used to extend the Loan period.

Arena Buff

① Open Buff slot requires Sapphires and is free for the first time.

② When the buff is opened, the attribute slime corresponding to the slot color is buffed.

    The Bonus Buff in the corresponding compartment is released if the buff slot color bingo is made.

③ The color and numerical value of the buff can be changed by consuming a certain amount of currencies.

    All buffs change at once, so you can use the lock function to prevent any buff items

    that you do not want to change the color and number of buffs.

④ You can check the application status of the Buffs obtained so far by slime attributes.

⑤ You can check the type and number of buffs you can get.

※ Orichalcum will be consumed if the buff is changed without the locking function, 

    and Slime Stone will be consumed if the locking function is used.

※ Buff change costs increase with the number of locked buff slots.

※ Bonus buffs are available for the Slime of all properties and provide more buffs than normal buff slots.

※ If the buff slot color bingo is not made, the bonus buff on that row will be locked.

※ Bonus buffs cannot be locked.

Arena Rank

You can check the ranking information for the current season.

Check your ranking information and run towards a higher goal!

① Ranking: This allows you to view the ranking, Team, and buff status of the selected Arena.

② Current Ranking: You can check your ranking.

Arena Rank condition




More than 2,000 RP / Top honor


More than 2,000 RP / Rank In 10


More than 2,000 RP / 200 Rank


More than 1,800 RP


More than 1,500 RP


More than 1,250 RP


More than 1,000 RP


More than 500 RP


More than 500 RP

Arena Reward by Rank



1st place

200,000 NADA Token

2nd place

51,500 NADA Token

3rd place

25,000 NADA Token

4th place

10,000 NADA Token

5th place

8,000 NADA Token

6th place

6,500 NADA Token

7th place

5,000 NADA Token

8th place

4,000 NADA Token

9th place

3,000 NADA Token

10th place

2,000 NADA Token

11th ~ 50th place

1,000 NADA Token

51th ~ 100th place

500 NADA Token

101th ~ 200th place200 NADA Token

*The screenshots above were taken from the test version and may differ from the official version.

*The guide's contents may be changed according to updates in the future.

*Recent revision date: 2022-11-16