
Hedera Guild Games

NADA Token's Direction & Announcement2022-05-05


Play more, get stronger, and enjoy this charming NFT game!

Greetings, This is Slime World.

Slime World strives to create a better ecosystem of NADA Token by preserving and increasing its value of NADA Token.

Therefore, We are here to inform you that there is a change in the exchange count of Nada Token.

For more information, please refer below.

■ Change in Exchange count of NADA Token

- The change is made to give various exchange chances and to preserve its value of NADA Token.

Exist: NADA Token exchange count of Daily [100 NADA]

Change: NADA Token exchange count of Daily [50 NADA]


We know that many players are curious about the listing of Nada Token, 

which was announced on the roadmap for the first quarter of 2022.

We will come up with it as soon as possible. Please stay tuned!

We will do our best to create a better Nada Token ecosystem.

Thank you.