
Hedera Guild Games

Slime World 10/27(Thu) Maintenance (Completed)2022-10-26


Play more, get stronger, and enjoy this charming NFT game!

Greetings, This is Slime World.

We will be conducting maintenance for the First of the PvP Arena Season end.

Don't miss out on the huge rewards through the fierce competition before the end of the Arena season!

Please refer below for detailed information.

■ 10/27(Thu) Maintenance

◆ Maintenance Schedule:

- 2022. 10/27 02:00 - 03:30 (UTC+0)

- 2022. 10/27 10:00 - 11:30 (UTC+8)

◆ Maintenance Content:

1. PvP Arena Season End

1) The first Season of the PvP Arena will be ended.

  - The Ranking rewards will be compensated through the next Maintenance.

   ☆ NADA Token rewards will be given through the Wallet Address that is linked to the account.

2. Main Screen UI Improvement

* The maintenance schedule and contents are subject to change.

* Game access is not available during the Maintenance.

* Please exit the game before the maintenance begins to save the data.

* If there is any change, I will let you know through the notice.

The next Arena season is being prepared.

We will be back with the detailed information in a separate notice.

Thank you.