
Hedera Guild Games

Slime World 9/22(Thu) Maintenance (Completed)2022-09-21


Play more, get stronger, and enjoy this charming NFT game!

Greetings, This is Slime World.

New content in the PvP Arena mode that you can use your own NFT are coming through 9/22 (Thu) maintenance.

Please refer below for detailed information.

■ 9/22(Thu) Maintenance

◆ Maintenance Schedule:

- 2022. 9/22 02:00 - 06:00 (UTC+0)

- 2022. 9/22 10:00 - 14:00 (UTC+8)

◆ Maintenance Content:

1. PvP Arena Mode

- You can be entered the Arena Mode by consuming the Ticket

- Rewards can be received at the end of the season when the ranking is reached.

- Five NFT slimes are required to enter the Arena.

☆ Even if you don't have NFT Slime, you can rent it using 'Slime Stone'!

- Open buff slots to enable more powerful NFT slime.

Please check out the link below for more detailed information about the PvP Arena Mode!

☞ PvP Arena Mode Guide [Go to]

2. Exchange count & Infinite  Reward Adjustment 

- Infinite mode Orichalcum Compensation reduced slightly.

- Daily Nada Token exchange quantity changed from 100,000 to 60,000.

※ Added on 9/22 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

3. In-Game UI & Shop Improvement

- The [SLIME] menu on the main screen will be deleted and can be found at [ARENA] > [SQUAD].

- Tickets sold at [Infinite] in the store will be changed to the [Best] tab.

* The maintenance schedule and contents are subject to change.

* Game access is not available during the Maintenance.

* Please exit the game before the maintenance begins to save the data.

* If there is any change, I will let you know through the notice.

We will do our best to provide better service.

Thank you.