
Hedera Guild Games

Slime World NFT Licenses2022-09-16


Slime World NFT Licenses

The Slime World NFT is an irreplaceable token ("NFT") used in Slime World, a game played on the Hedera network.

You are solely responsible for the safety and management of your personal digital wallet and your Slime World account and validate all transactions and agreements generated on the Slime World App and Homepage prior to approval.

The Slime World App and its associated services are delivered "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" without warranty of any kind. By using the Slime World App, you are solely responsible for all transactions related to the Slime World NFT.

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") set forth the intellectual property and ownership rights granted by NADA Digital Inc, (together with NADA Digital and our subsidiaries or affiliates, referred to as "NADA") to the recipent of the Slime World NFT ("You").

1. Ownership.

You own the NFT. Each Slime World NFT is an NFT on the Hedera network. When you purchase or are awarded an NFT, you own the underlying Slime World NFT (the “Art”), completely. Ownership of the NFT is mediated entirely by the Hedera network: at no point may we seize, freeze, or otherwise modify the ownership of any Slime World NFT.

Your NFT's Art can be used by NADA for promotion on the Slime World App, homepage, etc.

2. Personal Use.

Subject to your continued compliance with these Terms, NADA grants you a worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, and display the purchased Art, along with any extensions that you choose to create or use, solely for the following purposes: (i) for your own personal, non-commercial use; (ii) as part of a marketplace that permits the purchase and sale of your Slime World NFT, provided that the marketplace cryptographically verifies each Slime World NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their Slime World NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art; or (iii) as part of a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement, or participation of your Slime World NFT, provided that the website and/or application cryptographically verifies each Slime World NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their Slime World NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art.

3. Commercial Use. 

Slime World NFT can be used to generate a maximum of $10,000 in revenue before an official license agreement has to be signed. The revenue can come from either fanart (digital art, physical, etc) or merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, etc).

Creating original fanart without monetizing it is acceptable without any license or ownership.