
Hedera Guild Games

Slime World 7/29(Fri) Maintenance (Completed)2022-07-28


Play more, get stronger, and enjoy this charming NFT game!

Greetings, This is Slime World.

We will be conducting maintenance for Slime Expedition content and other improvements on 7/29(Fri).

Please refer below for detailed information.

■ 7/29(Fri) Maintenance

◆ Maintenance Schedule:

- 2022. 7/29 02:00 - 04:00 (UTC+0)

- 2022. 7/29 10:00 - 12:00 (UTC+8)

◆ Maintenance Content:

1. Slime Expedition Content

- You can enter the content by clicking the 'Slime Expedition button at the bottom left of the main screen.

- 10 Slime Stones are required to enter the Expedition once.

- You can obtain the Expedition Dividend Certificate NFT and Slime Stone with a certain probability from the Slime Expedition.

- 1% of Slime Stone consumed at that week in Expedition will airdrop to Dividend NFT holders every Monday with a 1/N rate.

☆ The week of Dividend will be given every Monday from 08:55 to 09:05 (UTC+8).

If you have acquired the Expedition Dividend Certificate NFT, a small amount of Hedera is required when registering in your wallet.

※Please note that the NFT won't be registered and an error will occur If there is no Hedera.

    (Updated on 7/29 11:00 UTC+8)

2. NADA Token → Slime Stone exchange

- You can exchange the NADA Token for Slime Stone from the EXCHANGE.

☆ Private Key is required for the Exchange.

 Verification for safety will be carried out before the completion of the exchange. 

※ The "timeout" pop-up may be exposed, but please note that it will be reflected when re-entering EXCHANGE.

   (Updated on 7/29 11:00 UTC+8)

3. Bug Fixes and Improvements

- An issue has been resolved where the Orichalcum Roulette is unavailable if the owned Orichalcum is the exact amount of 50,000.

- An issue has been resolved where the number of Orichalcum in the lobby was not updated after winning the 'Fail' by turning the roulette once.

- Fixed an issue where the price was not reset the next day when purchasing a ticket with Sapphire

- Added NFT Market SOLD OUT phrase and improved shop UI.

* The maintenance schedule and contents are subject to change.

* Game access is not available during the Maintenance.

* Please exit the game before the maintenance begins to save the data.

* If there is any change, I will let you know through the notice.

We will do our best to provide better service.

Thank you.