
Hedera Guild Games

Global Slime World the 2nd Quarter of 20222022-05-05


Play more, get stronger, and enjoy this charming NFT game!

Greetings, This is Slime World.

We'd announced NFT Slime on our 1st Quater of Roadmap!

Today, I brought news that We determined and planned for all users to enjoy Slime World by using various SNS accounts 

and Google/Apple accounts!

You can prevent the loss of accounts by connecting your account with certain SNS accounts!

We've talked about the convenience of accounts in the 2nd Quater of Roadmap this time.

You can look forward to our next 3rd Quater of Roadmap announcement! How interesting!!

Pit-a-pat... New Content +  New Content ????

Stay Tuned for the next time.

Thank you.